How To Get The Best From Your Facebook & Instagram Ads


I know you have tried running Facebook and Instagram ads and you might not have gotten desired results or maybe you just get likes without making any sale. Here are some things you need to know

1. Run ONLY ads that gets traffic into your sales Funnel: A sales funnel is where your selling activity happen on. So if your sales funnel is WhatsApp Business for instance, you should be running ads that get people to message on WhatsApp (Messaging – WhatsApp ad objective). If your sales funnel is your website, you should be running traffic and/or conversion ads.

2. Know your audience: By this I don’t just mean knowing your target audience by their location, age range, interest and gender alone. You must also know what platforms your audience spend time on, the kind of content they like to consume, what brands they follow on social media (for instance, you sell Snickers, you can also target those interested or following brand that manufacture snickers), what social class they belong to, their internet behaviour and habits and if possible the kinds of devises they used in accessing the internet.

These tips will help you get your targeting, content and ad optimisation right.

Willing to learn how to run better Facebook and Instagram Ads? Take our Digital Marketing Online Course

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