3 FREE Content Marketing Tools For Small Businesses


There are some great tools that you can use entirely for free to plan, organize and execute your content marketing strategy. Here are three free tools you can begin using immediately to drive results with your content marketing. Read Below:

1. Thinglink

Thinglink allows you to create interactive images, videos and 360 content. You are surely aware of how popular and powerful infographics are. People love to engage with visual content. With Thinglink, you can create new types of content your users will love to engage with. For instance, you could take a map and allow people to roll over different sections and learn about the history of the area. There are plenty of possibilities with Thinglink, and if you’re trying to communicate complex topics or ideas, interactive content could help you simplify them for your users.

2. Pixabay

Blog posts with images tend to be more engaging than those without. But most of the time, you end up having to pay a lot of money for quality images. Fortunately, there are alternatives. Pixabay is a great site where you can find royalty free images. Use attractive images alongside your content to keep your audience visually stimulated.

3. Infogram

I already made mention of infographics and how powerful they can be in helping you attract visitors and backlinks. The downside is that infographics can be quite difficult and costly to make. That is, of course, until Infogram came along. Infogram is a tool that allows you to create attractive charts, graphics, maps and dashboards in a matter of minutes. So, if you’re looking to get more visual with your content, it’s worth checking out.

So there you have it. If you want to succeed in your content marketing efforts, you will need to plan well, stay organized and keep executing. So, take advantage of the above tools to begin generating results with your content marketing.

Source: Forbes

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